Membership Portal - Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation | U7 Solutions
NEW POST! Your non-profit website can do more, and these 3 case studies prove it
NEW post! Your non-profit website can do more, and these 3 case studies prove it

Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation

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About the Client

The Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation is a largely volunteer-run registered charity, dedicated to raising awareness and understanding about mesothelioma in Canada. The CMF supports mesothelioma patients and their families, as well as the development of a network of expertise in mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment and care across Canada.

The Challenge

The CMF needed a platform on their website that would allow members to connect with fellow health professionals and CMF members.

The Solution Provided

We provided the following solution:
  1. Portal: we built the client a simple yet effective portal so that their members could easily connect with one another via a forum. The forum allows users to create posts on different topics. Members have the ability to subscribe to certain forums and recieve push notifications via email when a user posts in them. The portal also has an admin-only section, where admin users can access member applications, administer forums, and add new members.

Results achieved

Not only does the portal allows members to share resources and connect with other members, but it also acts as a directory to get to know who is in the health care space.

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U7 Solutions has provided services to hundreds of clients for their website and marketing needs. We have experience working with multiple industries, technologies, and online needs. Have a peak at our different projects to see how our team may be able to assist you with your goals.

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