CARWH Website Rebuild & SEO | U7 Solutions Portfolio
NEW POST! Your non-profit website can do more, and these 3 case studies prove it
NEW post! Your non-profit website can do more, and these 3 case studies prove it

The Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health

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About the Client

The Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, or CARWH, is a non-profit association of researchers in Canada whose work focuses on the prevention and management of ill health, disability, and injury associated with work activities and environments.

The Challenge

The client needed a modernized website that would enable them to enhance and promote research on work health, safety, and well-being in Canada. CARWH required a platform that would help them share their mission, important documentation, event and seminar details, and donation information.

The Solutions Provided

  1. Web Development: built a modern WordPress website for the client, with a variety of pages in both French and English. We also trained the client one on one so that they knew how to make adjustments to the website in future
  2. SEO: conducted keyword research and optimized metadata on all pages in both English and French

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U7 Solutions has provided services to hundreds of clients for their website and marketing needs. We have experience working with multiple industries, technologies, and online needs. Have a peak at our different projects to see how our team may be able to assist you with your goals.

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